Never Give Up.......Motor Neurone Disease.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Our Son.....

Latest "Family" photo's of our eldest son John and Tania with her three children. In the photo on the left we have Danielle 7, Shianne 8 and Isaiah 4. Jan and I have a very good a relationship with Tania and the children whom we saw when we went up again to New Plymouth three weeks ago. Another great time just relaxing and enjoying their company. And like last time we took the wheelchair with us and I have to stress again that to anyone reading this it was GREAT, to be able to feel that you belong and to know that the wheelchair was giving me an option on life. Get out and enjoy what you have while you are able.......

Friday, August 25, 2006

Filling in time....

Now that I have more time on my hands since being retired what do I do with my time. I used to be very heavy into "Genealogy" (family tree's) and would spent many long hours on the computer looking at different web sites dealing with that subject. Standing joke with me and Jan would be and this was after the evening meal.."Just going to check my email dear"...well, that was me for the rest of the night.
Now, I'm not so much into it any more. More interested in finding people like myself with MND who have web sites and belonging to sites for those with MND/ALS.
But, back to what do I do...I now carry, when I remember, my camera with me and try to take interesting photo's....The fun part is trying to stand and take a photo when both hands are occupied with the camera, the balance disappears completely...Anyway, here are a few that I have taken just recently. The bird on the left is a New Zealand native, a "Pukeko". I will check up on my spelling later. The other bird is a also a native to New Zealand, a wood pigeon . So, as Jan and I go for walks or go out in the car we look out for those moments when we can get a good photo.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

You need Family...

Top Photos..(taken with our Grandchildren) left - right.. Isaiah . Shianne and Danielle with Jan. And with me..taken at the dinner

When someone is in the position that we find ourselves in with a terminal illness family become very important. What would we do without them. You give so much of yourself to the one's you love and to have the same in return when you need it is much appreciated. In March of this year I had a birthday, my 64th, and Jan, John and Tania jacked up a surprise for me months ahead of the actual date. John and family came down to Silverstream from New Plymouth and arrived on the night of my birthday. WOW...I was delighted to say the least. I was, truth been known probably feeling a wee bit down so what a wonderful pick-me-up.

They were here for 3/4 wonderful days and on the night after they arrived we went out to a very nice dinner at a "Carvery" just a few minutes away by car. A great night enjoyed by all.

Today is Thursday 17Th August and over the last two - three weeks I have noticed an increased amount of cramping in the fingers of my right hand. The left hand is not so bad, at this point in time. And with the cramping I am starting to find it difficult to not only hold the computer mouse but also to type. Same with eating, put too much pressure on the knife and I have to let go and straighten the fingers....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Morning tea..

Originally uploaded by

Morning tea with some of our MND group in Lower Hutt. Its a great place to meet up with new patients and hear the latest on what is happening in New Zealand on Motor Neurone Disease. That's me second from the right. Of course everything else gets talked about as well, like who is going on holiday, the weather, new recipes, look at photos etc. It really is a neat hour & a half (or longer)

Also everyone needs a friend when they go to Hospital, even us adults. Ted was given to me by my wife,Jan. To keep me company in the long hours of the days and nights when I was admitted way back in Dec last year. Do you have a friend...?

If you know of anyone who has MND or is interested they are more than welcome to join us for morning tea held on the first Thursday of every month at the Arthritis Rooms in Lower Hutt at 10.30am.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My friend.....

Today I went to see my friend, Moira-Anne for our Wednesday afternoon tea. She was very excited as the builders were there putting in a much awaited ramp for her. Still just a bit more to do, but, I had to be the first person to use it. No no I was telling her. It should be you but Moira-Anne being the person she is insisted that it would be me, so.... taking my camera she managed to take a photo of yours truly walking up her ramp. The next big test will be using her electric wheelchair down it for the first time. All so exciting....
Here is a link to her blog