Filling in time....

Now that I have more time on my hands since being retired what do I do with my time. I used to be very heavy into "Genealogy" (family tree's) and would spent many long hours on the computer looking at different web sites dealing with that subject. Standing joke with me and Jan would be and this was after the evening meal.."Just going to check my email dear"...well, that was me for the rest of the night.
Now, I'm not so much into it any more. More interested in finding people like myself with MND who have web sites and belonging to sites for those with MND/ALS.
But, back to what do I do...I now carry, when I remember, my camera with me and try to take interesting photo's....The fun part is trying to stand and take a photo when both hands are occupied with the camera, the balance disappears completely...Anyway, here are a few that I have taken just recently. The bird on the left is a New Zealand native, a "Pukeko". I will check up on my spelling later. The other bird is a also a native to

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