Morning tea..

Morning tea with some of our MND group in Lower Hutt. Its a great place to meet up with new patients and hear the latest on what is happening in New Zealand on Motor Neurone Disease. That's me second from the right. Of course everything else gets talked about as well, like who is going on holiday, the weather, new recipes, look at photos etc. It really is a neat hour & a half (or longer)
Also everyone needs a friend when they go to Hospital, even us adults. Ted was given to me by my wife,Jan. To keep me company in the long hours of the days and nights when I was admitted way back in Dec last year. Do you have a friend...?
If you know of anyone who has MND or is interested they are more than welcome to join us for morning tea held on the first Thursday of every month at the Arthritis Rooms in Lower Hutt at 10.30am.
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