Never Give Up.......Motor Neurone Disease.

Friday, June 08, 2007

New Generations

We are all individuals in our own right, with the abilities and the functions that make up the human persona. Hand in hand with this is the fact that we, as humans, have certain obligations, to look after, not only ourselves but future generations to come.
But, being the people we are, with all the medical ailments that have bereft our species since the dawn of time, looking after ourselves has become a specialty in itself.
ALS/MND/Lou Gehrig’s Disease/Maladie de Charcot has become one of those specialties. The incidence of this disease/ailment, call it what you will, is on the increase worldwide. Another factor for the increase is that the age for contracting this disease has dropped dramatically.
NOTE. In New Zealand we have approximately 300 people at any one time.

What can we, as individuals do about it. I of course try and bring awareness of what is happening by expressing my thoughts and feelings on the different aspects of our/my condition and I stress here, that they are just my feelings and thoughts.
But when you read some of the other sites on the internet where people are doing just what I am ( like Jeannie in England and Aimee in the USA )
then maybe some good will come out of it.
There are vast sums of money being spent in different parts of the world on research into the cause of ALS/MND and on finding a cure but that possibility I think is many years down the track.
The human body will never be replicated in its entirety. Cloning a human may be possible but the subject matter would have to be 100% perfect in every single aspect . Every blood cell, nerve and neurone, muscle and all body functions would have to be exact . But would we in our ignorance, introduce into this perfect body, a time bomb, a new and more virulent form of what we have now. I can only hope that such a likely hood would not happen.
So, the question that comes to mind is just how have we managed to stay alive all these years. The human body is subject to many types of ailments, a lot of which are terminal. If only we knew why…What has medical science done for the human race as far as ALS/MND goes. Not much…..

We are subjected to and governed by the Laws of Nature. We have been moulded and shaped over many thousands of years with no variants in our species. And that is where we as a race have lost out because the variants are within us . Our outer shape may not have changed but the internal aspects of our bodies have and therefore we as a species have to concede that we carry within us not only the new generation of men but newer and more difficult forms of Neurological types of disease……

Quote… The important thing is not that we can live on hope alone, but that life is not worth living without it.
Harvey Milk


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