Strength…My strength is in believing in and of myself. If I have the conviction to wake up every morning and say to myself, “Today is a new beginning, make out of it what you will and take it in your stride”, that is my strength. And every new day is just that. Not only do I believe in myself but all those who are around me, Jan, my family, my friends.
To hear the sounds of life and to know that I am but one small person living with a disability. To accept and acknowled
ge this is a major step in my battle, this fight that I must go through to get to the other end of the day and say, “Well, I have won that one”. It is really a great feeling to be able to say this and to know that what happens tomorrow can not take away what happened today.
My walking is another challenge.. it is almost like taking one step forward and two back but as long as the determination is there I will keep going ‘upright’ as long as possible. But I have found that to try and carry something in my right hand and use my stick with the other and to get BOTH legs moving,, WOW.
Eating is also starting to be interesting in that I seem not to be able to chew and digest ‘beef’. Doesn’t matter how soft or how well cooked it is. Even when it has been put through a blender, the texture of the meat, the fibres just build up and roll around in my mouth. Other meats we are experimenting with . Interesting hey…
Soup on the other hand is great. Bread and soft rolls also no problem. Drinking, a lot of coffee and the odd fizzy drink. First drink of the day though is a cup of tea. Must have my tea….
And getting out in my power chair and going down to the local pub for a drink, I enjoy that. Just one mind you..hate to be had up for ‘drunk in charge of a mobility device’. ( An elderly man was killed last year driving his mobility scooter by a woman in her car who had had one too many drinks ) . Another day had at the ‘Day Care’ today. It is great to have all these volunteers who make our three hours there so enjoyable. We had a guy came in today to play the Organ that they have and one of the women volunteers there joined in when I said, “Lets have a dance to this piece of music”. So with me hanging on to a chair with one hand and standing upright we ‘Danced” on the spot. Great fun and that is what it is all about. Try and forget my problems and enjoy the day in whatever comes my way….
To hear the sounds of life and to know that I am but one small person living with a disability. To accept and acknowled
My walking is another challenge.. it is almost like taking one step forward and two back but as long as the determination is there I will keep going ‘upright’ as long as possible. But I have found that to try and carry something in my right hand and use my stick with the other and to get BOTH legs moving,, WOW.
Eating is also starting to be interesting in that I seem not to be able to chew and digest ‘beef’. Doesn’t matter how soft or how well cooked it is. Even when it has been put through a blender, the texture of the meat, the fibres just build up and roll around in my mouth. Other meats we are experimenting with . Interesting hey…
Soup on the other hand is great. Bread and soft rolls also no problem. Drinking, a lot of coffee and the odd fizzy drink. First drink of the day though is a cup of tea. Must have my tea….
And getting out in my power chair and going down to the local pub for a drink, I enjoy that. Just one mind you..hate to be had up for ‘drunk in charge of a mobility device’. ( An elderly man was killed last year driving his mobility scooter by a woman in her car who had had one too many drinks ) . Another day had at the ‘Day Care’ today. It is great to have all these volunteers who make our three hours there so enjoyable. We had a guy came in today to play the Organ that they have and one of the women volunteers there joined in when I said, “Lets have a dance to this piece of music”. So with me hanging on to a chair with one hand and standing upright we ‘Danced” on the spot. Great fun and that is what it is all about. Try and forget my problems and enjoy the day in whatever comes my way….
We always take great care in noting questions about conditions, for example, Motor Neuron Disease. The initial steps of Motor Neuron Disease Natural Remedies are any restorative diet is to remove all toxins and prepared food from your diet. Herbs Solutions By Nature are offering Troneton, an herbal supplements made out of 100% natural ingredients.
Herbs Solutions By Nature, At
10:29 pm
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