Never Give Up.......Motor Neurone Disease.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Never Give Up

ALS/MND….To most people it is an enigma. A problem that they would rather not know about and if they do know to try and put it to one side to deal with later.
But later, for us, just isn’t on. We would like people of all ages, to know that simplicity in life, for us, can be complicated by the simple fact that not enough people understand just what is involved in staying one step ahead in this game of life. And that is also a problem because we can only take a few steps before hitting the road block.
And that block is life itself. It would be almost sacrosanct to say that anyone with our condition could demand the support that they need to keep ahead but it doesn’t work that way. Support of any kind is available if you need it, you do not have to demand, just ask. Most countries can provide the aids ( like wheelchairs) and medication if needed ). And it is at this time that I would like to thank on behalf of ALS/MND sufferers worldwide all of those people who have given of themselves to be the support that we need and ask for and in particular the ’ALS Family Support Group of Ohio, Inc’. Phyllis Van-Horn is in charge of this group. They do a fantastic job and are just one of the many groups who mean so much to us. ( not forgetting that I live in NZ ) THANK YOU …. Photo of me joining in at the 'Hospice'...

Another kind of support is that run by our local Hospice, a Day Care Centre for those living with a terminal illness. . Including MND. Approx. three hours one day a week. A car is sent to pick you up ( I live about a half hours drive from the Hospice ) and takes you back home again. What a great idea. Activities include making cards, painting, playing cards for those so inclined, talking and on occasion listening to people speaking about some of life's issues . Morning tea and lunch are provided.
The title of my blog is ‘Never Give Up’ and that is what I try to live by. Never Give Up on life, how ever short or long it may be or on those who stand behind ( and in front ) of you. Never Give Up hope that somewhere, sometime, there will be a cure for us. To give up is not an option for me and I stand ( again no pun intended ) strong in my resolve to be resolute and look to the future for what lies ahead of me.
My body may be weakening but my heart and the hearts of those who know me keep me going. They include my wife, Jan ,and our family, my very dear friend Moira-Anne and the group of people who work in the Lower Hutt Hospital Rehab. And I mustn’t forget Helen from the NZ MND Association.
Someone said to me the other day that life for me must be a ‘Bummer’ and in this instance I must agree. But on the other hand, regardless of the fact that I have MND I can look out into this world of ours and know that without a shadow of a doubt that there are people, children included, in a far worse condition than I and what have I got to complain about. Nothing much. Just a disease that is taking our world by storm. The numbers are growing more every year and one day, just maybe, ALS/MND will be on the list of the 10 most Neurological disorders in the world. It should be on top of the list in my book………….
In NZ we have purple rubber bracelets with the words ‘Never Give Up’ written on them. America have the same only the colour is red. And we also have a flower as our MND symbol , the ‘Cornflower’……


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