Christmas Cheer.......

Jan and I would like to take this time to anyone reading my blog to 'Wish you and yours" a very 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'.
The local branch of our MND Association had a Xmas morning tea. A very nice time had by all who attended.
I intend to make the forthcoming year a time to remember, to take photo's and compile family histories for those who I will be leaving behind. It will be a year NOT to be sad but to think of all the good times had by me and my family & friends, old and new. A time to reflect on what could have been and a time to enjoy what I have.
To continue 'talking' to people on the Internet and make more friends. To do my best in trying, somehow, to raise awareness of our condition here in New Zealand, but above all else keep my positive attitude strong.
So, I will also take this time to thank everyone who have left a message in my guestbook. Some of your messages have been truly touching. I am just a guy telling people how it is and I think for anyone to do what I am doing, with honest feelings and thoughts is really an indication of the true spirit of a human being. I am but one person in a world where MND/ALS is prevalent and if by writing a blog like this helps someone, then so be it.....
My wonderful friend,
Once again you will touch everyone's hearts by what you put in your blog. You are so honest and open about your inner feelings which will give others the strength to continue.
The Happy Hutter, At
4:07 pm
Thank you for a wonderful reminder to appreciate the year gone by and to welcome the promise and opportunity of a new year! Your unfailingly positive attitude is remarkable and contagious. Thank you for this gift.
Anonymous, At
9:30 pm
I love the photos Mr and Mrs Claus!!!
Sarah and Callum
Anonymous, At
8:18 pm
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