The way we live...
Motor Neurone Disease.... It conjures up a world full of people struck down with a condition that some would equate with the plague. Its not quite as bad as that but its not good either. I have MND and its now coming up to 10 months since I was diagnosed.
It is to those who have this condition, disease, call it what you will, this roller coaster ride towards self-destruction, to an end that might only be a few months in sight or twenty - thirty years down the road that I put pen to paper if you like......
I can not say that I haven't struggled with my diagnosis. But like so many others out there I have learned, day by day to cope with what I have. Thankfully I can still walk, only just and with a stick. I have cramping on and off in both hands, mainly my right (I am right handed) and I have only fallen four times without hurting myself.
But what is the cost to me and my family, to the way we live, to the everyday goings on of life in general. Because I was working in a situation where there was hot fat and and not much room if one fell and with my balance being that I was no longer able to support myself in an upright position I had to retire. I still sleep OK most nights, no problem there. I have a tea trolley (picture in earlier entry) which is a must for me to carry cups of coffee etc.
There are two sons who have had to adapt to the news that I have an incurable condition. I can still do most things that 'normal' people do like eating, bathing or even going to the loo. BUT FOR HOW MUCH LONGER.
And I have to ask, how do you define normal where in a world so much changes day by day.
We ( I ) live in a world of conflicts, a world that daily gets torn up and spat out in Newspapers, Books and on TV. Every form of media will at some time have an item on Motor Neurone Disease. Most people will not have a clue as to what it is. Many do not want to know. But to those who care, to those who know that the only way around this condition is to communicate to those that have this disease that there are people out there who will do all in their power to provide the support in whatever form it is needed.
We are at best a 'Multi-functional" race , We can openly help those who need help, offer help and support to those who are in denial of their situation and at the same time do what we can to in some small way to raise funds for research into finding a cure.
Mankind has made it possible by spending many millions of dollars to send man to the four corners of this world, to explore the Oceans , fly into space, land on the moon and even send small space-craft on voyages that will last many thousands of years into deeper space.
We have conquered many ailments that have bereft the human race. Ailments that have maimed or killed in vast numbers over hundreds of years men, women and children. Why do we as a race spend so much money on new computer's, phones and other devices over and over again. How will any of this help us. Life goes on, it must go on and we, ( you and I ) have to live by what is available in the way of help.
In those parts of the world where local communities get together and have public walks or runs to 'De Feet MND' and even by individuals to raise money for research, I thank you. And I would like to think that I, by expressing my thoughts and feelings in this blog am also helping to raise people's awareness, not only here in New Zealand but in all parts of the world about Motor Neurone Disease.
We have reached that stage of evolution where we as a race need to help ourselves to a better kind of life, a life where disease is unheard off and where every body has that quality of life we all need so much.
It is to those who have this condition, disease, call it what you will, this roller coaster ride towards self-destruction, to an end that might only be a few months in sight or twenty - thirty years down the road that I put pen to paper if you like......
I can not say that I haven't struggled with my diagnosis. But like so many others out there I have learned, day by day to cope with what I have. Thankfully I can still walk, only just and with a stick. I have cramping on and off in both hands, mainly my right (I am right handed) and I have only fallen four times without hurting myself.
But what is the cost to me and my family, to the way we live, to the everyday goings on of life in general. Because I was working in a situation where there was hot fat and and not much room if one fell and with my balance being that I was no longer able to support myself in an upright position I had to retire. I still sleep OK most nights, no problem there. I have a tea trolley (picture in earlier entry) which is a must for me to carry cups of coffee etc.
There are two sons who have had to adapt to the news that I have an incurable condition. I can still do most things that 'normal' people do like eating, bathing or even going to the loo. BUT FOR HOW MUCH LONGER.
And I have to ask, how do you define normal where in a world so much changes day by day.
We ( I ) live in a world of conflicts, a world that daily gets torn up and spat out in Newspapers, Books and on TV. Every form of media will at some time have an item on Motor Neurone Disease. Most people will not have a clue as to what it is. Many do not want to know. But to those who care, to those who know that the only way around this condition is to communicate to those that have this disease that there are people out there who will do all in their power to provide the support in whatever form it is needed.
We are at best a 'Multi-functional" race , We can openly help those who need help, offer help and support to those who are in denial of their situation and at the same time do what we can to in some small way to raise funds for research into finding a cure.
Mankind has made it possible by spending many millions of dollars to send man to the four corners of this world, to explore the Oceans , fly into space, land on the moon and even send small space-craft on voyages that will last many thousands of years into deeper space.
We have conquered many ailments that have bereft the human race. Ailments that have maimed or killed in vast numbers over hundreds of years men, women and children. Why do we as a race spend so much money on new computer's, phones and other devices over and over again. How will any of this help us. Life goes on, it must go on and we, ( you and I ) have to live by what is available in the way of help.
In those parts of the world where local communities get together and have public walks or runs to 'De Feet MND' and even by individuals to raise money for research, I thank you. And I would like to think that I, by expressing my thoughts and feelings in this blog am also helping to raise people's awareness, not only here in New Zealand but in all parts of the world about Motor Neurone Disease.
We have reached that stage of evolution where we as a race need to help ourselves to a better kind of life, a life where disease is unheard off and where every body has that quality of life we all need so much.
Robert, once again you have amazed me with your words.....! To have this gift of putting your feelings into words makes me feel very strongly about you actually writing a book. Don't let this pass you by. Leave a book which can sit around for everyone to pick up and experience what we are experiencing. You will be my friend forever and ever.
The Happy Hutter, At
1:30 pm
Thank you Robert. The closest person in the world to me was diagnosed with MND in April this year. The deterioration has been so quick. Your words are inspiring...and you sound like a truely remarkable person. I feel like I have been crying in private for 7 months since his diagnosis. There MUST be a cure. I look forward to reading your update. Thank you again for sharing with us your words.
Anonymous, At
9:36 pm
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