No more stairs !!

Well, the big move is almost here. Yeah !! NO MORE STAIRS. They have been getting harder every day to get up. Going down is not so bad but have still had to watch where I put my feet. Today is Sunday 22nd October 2006 and the packers are coming in on Tuesday to pack us up and we move out on Wednesday.
We are going to rent for the moment but having said that will have to wait till the house we have found has been cleaned. So, in the meantime we are going to stay with our very dear friend Moira-Anne. She and I get on like a house on fire and that's the way it should be. Its almost like there is a rubber band connecting the two of us together. I have afternoon tea with her once a week and we talk about everything under the sun, MND included.
This is the first time I have put an entry into my blog for some time. I have been very tired lately and the cramping in right hand seems to be on the increase. Also have a little bit of cramp at odd times in both arms. Legs are also getting weaker.
Have bought myself a notebook/laptop and will be using that in the next month or so as we continue to look for a house to buy. I have two computers but they will both be in storage.
I continue to put my BEST foot forward and remain very positive....
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