Caricature on MY life...

Where does one begin.....You are born....You live....You die. Nothing is more certain than those three moments in your life But, are they. Does Mother Nature step in and say to you along the road of life ..."Don't get to comfy, I have something else in line for you".
I've had a good life, busy, full of exploration with trips overseas and around the world. I've done all the usual things that most people do but it wasn't until I was in my thirties that I found the interest in learning to drive.
Oh, when I think back and wonder what I could have done, what I could have seen in my wandering around the world had I been able to drive all those years before, but, that is all in the past. And why the interest in learning to drive...more on that soon. *
I have always been as healthy as a buck rabbit with the usual scrapes and bumps that happen through life. I've worked hard and in many cases long hours including night shift.
* But then one day my life changed (for the first time) . I met a young woman (who had a car) with whom I fell madly in love. I proposed to and married her. She was my Princess in life. Nearly thirty years later and my feelings are still the same. We have a family and Grandchildren. We have bought and sold houses, worked for other people and worked for ourselves. The last two years have been very busy as we had bought a Gourmet Burger shop, but then things started to happen, my walking started to deteriorate and then one day that Grand old Lady, Mother Nature stopped to tap me on the shoulder and said, "Remember, I had something else in line for you, well, NOW is the time". December 15 2005. A day that will remain with me for whatever time I have left in this wonderful, crazy life changed again. (for the second time.)
WHAT IS LIFE.....Part One
Life is a continuation of being born, learning to speak, walk, run, loving and being loved. Life is not getting down from the table until you have eaten your greens, going to the dentist and having the wrong molar pulled out. Learning to play sport, drive a car, fly a plane.
Life is being in the middle of Scotland on the other side of the world and someone tapping you on the shoulder (NOT Mother Nature this time) and saying,. "You're one of the Coutts boys, I know your mother".
Life is whatever you make it out to be. Hope, Hurt, Love, Despair, Anger...all the things that matter to us frail humans, because in the long run life CONTROLS you, Heart, Body and Soul. We can not foresee the future (just as well) so to be diagnosed with an illness that is terminal is just one of the many paths that we (I) have to go down.
So as I walk (Metaphorically speaking) down this path to whatever she (Mother Nature) has in store for me I will have to relearn many of the basic steps of life, learn to adapt and to accept that there will be many things I will no longer be able to do, even the simple act of breathing.
Many of us in this condition cannot accept this quirk of nature, this degrading of our bodies, BUT, we can learn to live with it. If you can do that then however many years you have left, be it six months or twenty years , your life will continue to enrich all those people around you who love and need you as much as you love and need them.....
LIFE is what you make it out to be....Get out and enjoy what time life has given you.

Hi Robert
I almost feel as if I know you through my cousin Moira-Anne. I found your website interesting and informative too.
Thank you for being there for Moira-Anne. I wish I were nearer Upper Hutt, but thank goodness for the modern technology of the www.
Keep trucking
Denise, Birmingham, UK
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